Amarillo® Hop Pellets by the pound.
An American hop variety, that has been described as a "super cascade". Flavor profile is tropical and very citrusy, especially leaning toward a distinct orange flavor and aroma. This is the signature hop featured in Three Floyd's Gumball Head.
"AMARILLO® is a trademark owned by Virgil Gamache Farms, Inc."
Alpha Acids: | 8 - 11% |
Beta Acids: | 6 - 7% |
Co-Humulone: | 21 - 24% |
Total Oil: | 1.5 - 1.9 mL / 100g |
Typical Styles: | Pale Ale, IPA |
Characteristics: | Floral, tropical, and citrus (orange) tones |
Country: | US |
Possible Substitutes: | Cascade, Centennial, Simcoe |