White Labs' Abbey Ale yeast strain is purported to originate from one of the abbeys that observes the rules of the International Trappist Association, thus making it a true trappist brewery. This yeast strain is well-balanced, and though it is highly attenuative, tends to lend beers more in the ways of body and mouthfeel that other highly attenuative Belgian ale strains. It is less fruity that other yeast strains, but is more alcohol tolerant. As such, it is a great choice when making high gravity trappist beers and other high gravity Belgian styles. Great for dubbels, trippels , and other Belgian ales of all types!
Product Features
- A true trappist strain of yeast.
- Produces a clean Belgian ale that retains body and mouthfeel in spite of being highly attenuative.
- A great yeast strain for trappist-style ales, Belgian blondes, dubbels, tripels, golden strong ales, dark strong ales, Belgian pale ales, Belgian IPAs and Belgian speciality ales.